Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 29, 2009

If only...

How I wish I could get a reaction like my parents got upon arriving at our house yesterday. If it wasn't so great to see the boys that excited, I might be a wee bit jealous. My parents came up yesterday late in the day to play with the kiddos so Jereme and I could go watch KSU beat up on Mizzou (what a game!!).

Anyways, they rang the doorbell and the boys ran to the door. They could see Poppa and Grammy looking in the door. Jorden begins screaming and jumping up and down. He immediately runs to give hugs and kisses when the door opens. Isaac, when excited, is vastly different, though. He screams and runs away and makes laps through the house (kind of reminiscent of our old labrador dog, which would be fitting).

Catching up on pics:

Getting ready for our first KSU basketball game

C'mon, daddy, you don't need to work anymore...come play!

I like this place!

Seriously folks, I am done. Take me home NOW!

Our new PlasmaCars!

What happens when I am naughty...

Just horsin' around

Happy boys


Cricketchirp said...

*gasp* is that John Deere I see in your home? ;-) Jeff won't let me buy "anything with green paint" HAHA!

They look like they are having a blast!

Diane said...

We have conceded to having lots of JD green in our home. Jereme says Case IH missed the boat on marketing and it's so hard to find red, or the RIGHT, color of tractors. So, as long as it is a tractor, well, it works in our house....