Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You might be a redneck if...

*Your children consistently take off their shorts and diapers, IN THE FRONT YARD, and you're okay with it. Just smile and wave at neighbors!!

*Your children prefer going to the local Case IH dealer instead of the park. We can easily kill an hour there letting the boys run and scream with delight at all the tractor, loaders and "bines".

Oh, and eating chocolate donuts at our house is serious business!!

***Disclaimer: Jereme takes offense to me saying that "it's redneck" for the boys to love mowers, tractors, combines, loaders, etc so much. So, for the record, the man of the house says these boys are born farm's just in their blood/DNA. Redneck, farmer, whatever...

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh, well I am dying to share my TX redneck stories, and I will then show how "farm boys" and redneck are NOT interchangeable!! They are still adorable! And we have pants issues at our house too. The neighbors don't wave anymore!!