This really doesn't have anything to with the fact that I punked out on the half-marathon I was supposed to run. What can I say, I was NO WHERE near ready to do it. As in, the furthest I'd run was 1/2 the distance of a 1/2. What can I say? I don't want to lose ALL the baby weight too soon.
But, I digress. We've had a lot of rain here. And, a lot of rain means a lot of worms. And, a lot of worms mean a lot of excitement from 2 little boys. I was fixing supper the other night when Isaac comes barreling in the house/kitchen with a hand FULL of worms. But, proof of my wimpiness subsiding is evident in the fact that I didn't scream or freak out. I told him that was great after he felt the need to thrust the entire handful as close to my face as he could and then told him that worms liked to be outside. Then, I prayed fervently that he a) would listen and b) made it outside before tripping.
Some of the "grands" at the farm eating cookies!
Luke getting his first 4-wheeler ride with Poppa!
Rub-a-dub-dub, three sweet boys in the tub!
Do you want me to catch the snakes in my yard to mail to you so you can practice getting tougher? HEE HEE!!!
Were you going to do the Wichita half marahthon? I signed up "on a whim" Friday and jogged the half marathon yesterday.
I had actually planned to do the OKC half, but then decided to do Wichita since it was closer. And, instead, I did "eat as many blueberry muffins as possible" marathon on Sunday morning...
Can't imagine deciding on a "whim" to do it!! You're a warrior!
if you cover up bath pics why do you even post them ,,, stupid
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