Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, January 11, 2008

Welcome Home, Daddy!

Babies don't belong in mom and dad's bed. Well, let me rephrase that, OUR babies don't belong in our bed. I know several of you who do this but seriously, this will not work for me! Jereme arrived home late, late last night. I haven't heard a peep out of the boys while he has been gone at night. We were just drifting off to sleep about 1215 AM and about 115 AM we hear our two little devils SCREAMING! I lay there pretending I don't hear it while Jereme asks me what are we going to do. Resisting the urge to punch him in the gut since he has been gone for 4 days, I use my fake, nice voice and say, well guess we better go get them. We calm them down but take them to bed with us. Yes, they slept marvelously but for some reason, maybe it was the constant squirming in sleep, the fact that they are furnaces or maybe it was Isaac snoring or that Jorden slaps people in his sleep, but mom and dad did not sleep. Boys, you better sleep tonight b/c there will be no's amazing how much noise you can filter out with a pillow over your head..............

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