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Friday, January 6, 2012

Definitely not my strength

Anyone who knows me well, knows I do NOT excel in the arts and crafts department. My former fellow teacher friends will attest to the fact that I rarely did art and usually had to do self-talk all week long to make it happen.

Sooooooooo, I was setting myself up in a big way when one cold afternoon I decided it was time for an impromptu gingerbread house making. Let's just leave it at this:

*I yelled.
*Candy was flung (not by me) from one end of the kitchen to the dining room by over anxious children.
*A repeat trip was made to the store where I may or may not have locked my kids in the car to go grab another box of graham crackers without it having to take 25 minutes with 3 little boys in tow.
*Some of the participants cried.
*One of the participants got a spanking.
*It's possible I made myself ill over eating INSANE amounts of candy to cope with the stress.
*I don't recall tasting any of it. I do recall thinking I would be mortified if anyone saw the huge handfuls I continually shoveled in while hiding behind a cabinet door.
*I had to have a drink at the end of the project.

But, the gingerbread houses were completed. Everyone appears to not have any lasting emotional scars. I will probably never do another impromptu craft. I may never do another craft in general. As the saying goes around here, "Fun times. Fun times."



Kelli said...

HA! I am a crafty person but that does describe how some of our projects have gone! It is cooking projects that send me over the edge. Thanks for keeping it real.

Tiffany said...

Wowsers - you are one brave momma! I've yet to do a gingerbread house...thought about getting the kit...but maybe after your experience, maybe we'll just toss the entire idea out the window :)

Carpenter's said...

Fun times! :) I couldn't stop laughing at your post. Reminds me of my home!!